Android Series: Custom ListView items and adapters
This is a short tutorial on how to populate your android list view, with data downloaded from the internet or other sources, using ArrayAdapter. ListView items view is declared in a separate XML file and displayed using custom adapter class.
Reading XML from the web using C#
Today I will describe quick and dirty way to read xml data received as a web response. This can get very usefull if you want to send some information in a quck way without creating whole bunch of web service references etc. Lets say I want to get some data from the server in the […]
Read More →Shutting down Windows with C#
This article describes how to shut down your machine using C# code. There are a few approaches to do that in C# but I will describe the easiest one, which works on both Win XP and Vista. All you have to do is just to make sure that you don’t have any additonal threads running, […]
Read More →Continuous Integration with CruiseControll.NET
Today I will try to bite quite a big topic which is continuous integration setup for .NET application build using Visual Studio 2008, Vistual Studio Unit Tests and Cruise Control.NET. Continuous integration, in a few simple words works the following way: there are a number of developers working on a project, developers use subversion or […]
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