Kris on Joel

Kris on Joel

Another fantastic? book on my bookshelf – “Joel on Software: And on Diverse and Occasionally Related Matters That Will Prove of Interest to Software Developers, Designers, and Managers, and to Those Who, Whether by Good Fortune or Ill Luck, Work with Them in Some Capacity” by J.Sposlky. Well, I’m still not sure why this book gets so high marks on amazon web site but I’m sure of one thing about it – this book is fun. I did enjoy reading it although some bits were really me off (like calling all people who work in McDonald’s ‘morons’) . Some people say don’t buy it – you can read it free on the web, but I definietly prefer printed version.
It is difficult to find anything bad said about Microsoft in this book and some articles touching Unix/Linux world seem to be unfair or mostly outdated but it is still nice to read Joel’s opinions even if we don’t agree with them every time.
This guy for sure has a lots of experience and for the beginner like me it’s nice to read through someone else IT career.
Again HR (Highly Recommended) 🙂

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