Launching your EC2 instances with AWS Management Console
How easy this can get, when I was starting with Amazon Web Services the things were looking kind of scary but right now we have bunch of tools to help us using the amazon EC2 instances so easy that I just cannot belive that. I knew that AWS Management console existed for quite a bit […]
Read More →How to backup your entire server from EC2 to S3
Today I will describe in short how to create an AMI instance of EC2 and than upload it to S3 server. All you need to have is running instance of EC2 server (I’m using Debian) with EC2 tools preinstalled. First of all, make sure that you don’t have any unnecessary files on your server filesystem […]
Read More →Affirma S3 library for C#
Finally I have found S3 library that works in C#. The library was written by Joel Wetzel from Affirma Consulting and I just wanted to spread the word about it. Once downloaded you are presented with the whole C# Visual Studio solution which contains the library project as well as some example on how to […]
Read More →Spreading the word: Amazon Web Services.
I’m slowly starting my third year of university and slowly preparing for my final year project. A few days ago, when doing some research on what to do exactly for my FYP I have found accidentally web page describing AWS. I have seen it before on other blogs here and there but actually never checked […]
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